Satellite events
Advanced QSP modelling in R April 19, 2022 from 2 - 6 pm CET IntiQuan welcomes you to a half day hands-on workshop on advanced QSP modeling! In the past two decades, quantitative systems pharmacology (QSP), a mechanistically oriented form of drug and disease modeling, has established itself as a powerful tool to quantitatively integrate data and knowledge. Its scope is to support the assessment of drug efficacy and safety problems in model-informed drug discovery and development. The impact of QSP in model-informed drug discovery and development continues to grow and is increasingly recognized within the pharmaceutical industry, from early stages in drug discovery to late-stage development and life-cycle management, up to support of regulatory submission. Recently, an approach to a QSP workflow has been proposed, serving as a guide to data programmers and modeling scientists. This workflow covers the entire QSP data structuring and modeling process by providing a recipe with the ingredients needed for a QSP modeling activity to proceed. The workshop is picking up on the workflow described in the paper and shows how to put the abstract concepts into application on a realistic QSP modeling example. Special emphasis is put on the estimation of individual parameters based on clinical data, allowing to determine Virtual Subjects, Cohorts, and Populations in an estimation-based approach that is suitable even for large scale models and a large number of patients in the considered data. The ability to estimate such individual level parameters in QSP models has the potential to open up advances in diagnostics through the use of advanced statistical methods, such as machine learning. More details on course description, registration form and the latest COVID-related updates, please see:
QSP and mechanistic PK/PD modeling workshop with the MonolixSuite April 19 (afternoon) and 20 (morning), 2022 Lixoft is running a 2 half-days hands-on workshop on quantitative systems pharmacology (QSP) and mechanistic PK/PD modeling with the MonolixSuite, as a satellite event of QSPC2022. The workshop will take place on Tuesday the 19th (afternoon) and Wednesday the 20th (morning) of April. The MonolixSuite offers an integrated and powerful framework to implement, fit, diagnose and simulate QSP and mechanistic PK/PD models. The workshop will alternate lectures and hands-on sessions. After an introduction to the goals and advantages of QSP models, the setup of QSP models in Monolix will be explained and exemplified using a representative data set. Participants will have the opportunity to practice the implementation of a QSP model and the estimation of its parameters from clinical data. The calibrated model will finally be used to answer precise research questions via simulations. No prior experience of the MonolixSuite is required. Temporary licenses for the MonolixSuite will be provided. Workshop description and registration on:
Please note that satellite events are not organized by the QSPC2022 organization, for details or questions please contact the organizers of the event directly. If you would like to organize a satellite meeting, contact the organizers at
QSPC Conference
QSPC Conference Organizersinfo@qspc.eu
Hooglandse kerkHooglandse kerkNieuwstraat 20 2312 KC Leiden Netherlands