Organizing committee
Advisors to the organizing committee
Scientific advisory board
- Balaji Agoram, Forty Seven, Inc., US
- Jane Bai, FDA, US
- Marc Birtwistle, Clemson University, US
- Peter Bonate, Astellas Pharma, US
- Dean Bottino, Takeda, US
- Koos Burggraaf, CHDR, NL
- Michael Chappell, University of Warwick, UK
- Marylore Chenel, Servier, FR
- Oscar Della Pasqua, UCL/GSK, UK
- Oleg Demin, InSysBio, RU
- Hartmut Derendorf†, University of Florida, US
- Steve Duffull, University of Otago, NZ
- Ronan Fleming, Leiden University, NL
- Lena Friberg, Uppsala University, SE
- Johan Gabrielsson, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, SE
- James Gallo, University of Buffalo, US
- Hugo Geerts, In Silico Biosciences, US
- Jesús Giraldo, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, ES
- Piet Hein van der Graaf, Certara, UK/Leiden University, UK
- Henk-Jan Guchelaar, Leiden University Medical Center, NL
- Thomas Hankemeier, Leiden University, NL
- Nick Holford, University of Auckland, NZ
- William Jusko, University of Buffalo, US
- Daniel Kirouac, Applied BioMath, US
- Thomas Klabunde, Sanofi, US
- Charlotte Kloft, Freie Universität Berlin, DE
- Catherijne Knibbe, Leiden University, NL
- Douglas Lauffenburger, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, US
- Tarek Leil, Bristol-Myers Squibb, US
- Jörg Lippert, Bayer, DE
- Donald Mager. University of Buffalo, US
- Efthymios Manolis, European Medicines Agency, UK
- Bernd Meibohm, University of Tenessee, US
- Cynthia J. Musante, Pfizer, US
- Marjoleen Nijsen, AbbVie, US
- Saroja Ramanujan, GenenTech, US
- Benjamin Ribba, Roche, CH
- Amin Rostami-Hodjegan, Certara/University of Manchester, UK
- Julio Saez-Rodriguez, Heidelberg University, DE
- Stephan Schmidt, University of Florida, US
- Birgit Schoeberl, Novartis, US
- Ulrika Simonsson, Uppsala University, SE
- Vikram Sinha, Merck, US
- Eric Sobie, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, US
- Yusuke Tanigawara, Keio University, JP
- Markus Tindall, University of Reading, UK
- Iñaki Trocóniz, University of Navarra
- Paolo Vicini, Kymab Ltd, UK
- Alexander Vinks, University of Cincinnati, US
- Sandra Visser, GlaxoSmithKline, US
- Anup Zutshi, EMD Serono, US
QSPC Conference
QSPC Conference Organizersinfo@qspc.eu
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