Organizers, chairs and speakers are all committed to making QSPC2022 a great event, but ask for your understanding in case last-minute changes to the program occur.
Tuesday April 19 |
Wednesday April 20 |
9.00 – 13.00 |
Registration & Satellite Meetings * |
13.00 – 13.15 |
Welcome Liesbeth de Lange (Leiden University, NL) |
13.15 – 14.35 |
QSP: Where do we come from and where do we go? Chairs: Piet van der Graaf (Certara, UK) & Marjoleen Nijsen (Abbvie, US) |
From PKPD to QSP Meindert Danhof (Leiden University, NL) |
Current state and future of QSP Donald Mager (University at Buffalo, US) |
Convergence of pharmacometrics and QSP in pharma R&D Amita Joshi (Genentec, US) |
QSP and personalized medicine Lawrence Lesko (University of Florida, US) |
14.35 – 15.45 |
Coffee break |
15.45 – 17.00 |
How much complexity do we need? Chairs: Stephan Schmidt (University of Florida, US) & Stephen Duffull (Certara US Ltd & University of Otago, NZ) |
The fall of Simpson’s paradox, the rise of QSP Stephen Duffull (Certara US Ltd & University of Otago, NZ) |
Simplicity vs complexity in QSP models Nicola Melillo (Systems Forecasting, UK) |
QSP or a Rube Goldberg device? Panel Discussion |
17.00 – 19.00 |
Welcome reception, including welcome by mayor Lenferink of Leiden |
Thursday April 21 |
08.30 – 09.40 |
How data inform QSP models and how QSP models inform data collection Chairs: Liesbeth de Lange (Leiden University, NL) & Birgit Schoeberl (Novartis, US) |
Model. Hypothesize. Experiment. - Repeat Birgit Schoeberl (Novartis, US) |
Next-generation model informed drug discovery platform: Human microphysiological systems and quantitative systems pharmacology Murat Cirit (Javelin Biotech, US) |
Data-driven development of quantitative large-scale models Jan Hasenauer (University of Bonn, DE) |
Poster flash talks selected from abstracts |
09.40 – 11.10 |
Poster session & coffee break |
11.10 – 12.20 |
Grand challenges for QSP: Immunotherapy and complex diseases Chairs: Balaji Agoram (Arcus Bioscienes, US) & Paoli Vicini (Confo Therapeutics) |
Systems modelling of cardiovascular and renal physiology and drug action Melissa Hallow (University of Georgia, US) |
Hold Your Breath: A platform QSP model to streamline development of potential disease modifying therapies for asthma Saroja Ramanujan (Genentec, US) |
Application of quantitative systems pharmacology to guide the optimal dosing of COVID-19 vaccines Rajat Desikan (Certara, UK) |
Poster flash talks selected from abstracts |
12.20 – 13.30 |
Poster session & Lunch |
13.30 – 15.05 |
Model validation, reproducibility, and the regulatory perspective Chairs: Dan Kirouac (Notch Therapeutics, US) & Oscar Della Pasqua (GSK / University College London, UK) |
Validation of QSP models Dan Kirouac (Notch Therapeutics, US) |
A recipe to maximise the success of your QSP models Lourdes Cucurull-Sanchez (GSK, UK) |
Regulatory perspectives on the use of mechanistic PK-PD and QSP Approaches Flora Musuamba (EMA M&S Working Party, EU) |
QSP in the era of open Science; who owns QSP models? Panel discussion; Introduction by Oscar Della Pasqua. Perspectives by: Dan Kirouac, Lourdes Cucurull- Sanchez, Flora Musuamba. |
Poster flash talks selected from abstracts |
15.05 – 16.10 |
Poster session & coffee break |
16.10 – 17.30 |
QSP design of innovative combination therapies for complex diseases Chairs: Donald Mager (University at Buffalo, US), Jonathan Mochel (Iowa State University, US) |
Mechanistic modeling of the combination between cytotoxics and anti-angiogenics for sequence optimization and machine learning for individual survival predictions Sebastien Benzekry (Inria Marseille, Fr) |
Combination therapies in immune-oncology Nicolas Frances (Roche, CH) |
Modeling the tumour and its microenvironment for precision oncology Federica Eduati (Eindhoven University, NL) |
Translational Model-Informed Approach for Selection of Tuberculosis Drug Combination Regimens Ulrika Simonsson (Uppsala University, SE) |
19.30 – 22.30 |
Conference dinner at Hooglandse Kerk |
Friday April 22 |
8.30 – 10.00 |
Bridging computational approaches & techniques to advance QSP Chairs: Leon Aarons (University of Manchester, UK) & Saroja Ramanujan (Genentec, US) |
Using machine learning surrogate modeling for faster QSP cohort generation Christina Friedrich (Rosa & Co, US) |
Bridging PBPK and downstream biology for integrated QSP models Lars Kuepfer (Aachen University, DE) |
Combining data-driven and mechanistic approaches for Systems pharmacology Julio Saez-Rodriguez (Heidelberg University, DE) |
"Single-cell" PKPD using Agent-based modeling informs Antibody-Drug-Conjugate (ADCs) Design Greg Thurber (University of Michigan, US) |
Poster flash talks selected from abstracts |
10.00 – 11.10 |
Poster session & coffee break |
11.10 – 12.30 |
Learning from other disciplines Chair: Coen van Hasselt (Leiden University, NL) & Helen Moore (University of Florida, US) |
Game theory modelling for cancer therapies Katerina Staňková (Technical University of Delft, NL) |
Signal processing in and for QSP Pascal Schulthess (Hubrecht Institute ,NL) |
Surrogates for dynamic computational models: what natural disasters can teach pharmacology Elaine Spiller (Marquette University, US) |
The use and abuse of ensembles in weather and climate Leonard Smith (London school of economics and political sciences,UK) |
12.30 – 13.30 |
Lunch |
13.30 – 14.30 |
Predicting variability in clinical response - Dedicated to the memory of Hartmut Derendorf Chairs: Meindert Danhof (Leiden University, NL) & Catherijne Knibbe (Leiden University, NL) |
Anticoagulation with warfarin -- from reality to systems pharmacology and back to the patient Nick Holford (University of Auckland, NZ) |
Applying Multi-'Omics' to Inform Drug Pharmacokinetic Predictions and Precision Dosing Amin Rostami-Hodjegan (University of Manchester, UK) |
System-specific knowledge to predict clinical variability in special populations Catherijne Knibbe (Leiden University, NL) |
14.30 – 14.45 |
Closing |
* Click here for satellite events. These events will not be organized by the organizers of QSPC. For questions regarding the events, please contact the organizers directly through the provided contact details. If you would like to organize a satellite meeting and announce it on our website, please contact the organizers at
QSPC Conference
QSPC Conference Organizersinfo@qspc.eu
Hooglandse kerkHooglandse kerkNieuwstraat 20 2312 KC Leiden Netherlands